The Best GPS Watches for Running, Cycling, Swimming, and More

GPS watches are a crucial tool for any runner, cyclist, or swimmer looking to track their pace, time, distance, and calories burned—particularly if you want to avoid lugging your phone around. Of course, not all GPS-equipped watches are created equal. The market is packed with tickers of all descriptions and prices, to the point that picking the right one for your unique needs and budget can make your head spin. The good news is that we’ve got you covered.

Below, we’ve rounded up our favorite models, including the latest from top brands like Garmin, Suunto, and more, to suit every athlete and budget.

Pair of grey hiking boots resting on a blanket on a rock with mountains in the background.

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The Best GPS Watches of 2022 December 01, 2022 at 04:00AM Men's Journal


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